Lori Forster - 2023 - Photo by Tyler Nicole

Hello, and welcome! I am Lori, a 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50 51 year old “stay at home mom now called a homemaker” and wife to Denny. I live in Fort Oglethorpe, GA where I homeschooled my two kiddos, Ty who is 23 and Niko who is 21. I am a huge pet lover’, and I share my home with 3, 2 a dogs, Lewie, Sofie and Cotey, 2 cockatiels, Lilo and Jayde,6 5 4 5 7 6 cats, Casey, Tomasina, Red, Jack, Midnight, Sylvester, Reid, Chip, Ruben, Karma and finally Simon and Fiona who I saved from under a house in East Lake, Chattanooga TN when they were just days old, and hand raised them. In 2021 a little one showed up in the back yard plants, and Ty could NOT help but save it, so Nala is the youngest (AND LAST) kitty addition. Still at 6.

I have been an unschooling home educator since my first child, Ty, was born, throughout hers and Niko’s school years with the exception of one. I tried them one year in the local public school by the request of my husband so I could focus on my web company. However, that venture did not fare well, and I brought them back where they belong, home with me.

I love cooking and do my best to cook a homemade meal every night, but Saturday. I was trained by my mother, who passed away from Leukemia Sept. 25 of 2009, that you can create a great dish from just about anything… it is all about testing and taking risks. I rarely measure when I cook and depend more on taste to make my recipes work. I also enjoy baking, and love trying new recipes using unusual ingredients to make breads and muffins.

I am the Executive Web Architect, Database Engineer and Communications Specialist of Zenful Creations. I provide ongoing services to several large clients and donate my time to my local non-profit organizations. I have been designing and developing web sites since 1993, and am an expert at the creation of graphical user interfaces using Photoshop, though I know not the first thing about photo editing to make the pictures I take nicer.

In June of 2013, I began another adventure, and opened an online thrift store that I run through a Facebook Group called the Fort Oglethorpe Bargain Bin. As of 2016, I am no longer selling items that I collected by cleaning out estates, and friends homes. It proved to be too much effort for such little payoff, and the game was just not for me. However, I still have all the “stuff”, and really need to purge it!

Then as if I was not busy enough, in 2018 I threw all the rest of me into the Boy Scouts of America program, and currently hold a part-time position with the Cherokee Area Council in Chattanooga, TN assisting in the operation of the Council Store inside of the Scout Service Center.

May 2020: I am now living a minimal lifestyle, with none of the FOBB left (all donated to charities) ~ GONE! Not only did I get all that out of my home, but minimized my personal “stuff” as well…. and I only have things that spark joy remaining!

More important than all of the information above, I LOVE THE LORD, Jesus, Yahushua – the ONLY human above reproach to seek for direction! I am a dedicated Ambassador of the Kingdom, and avidly serve to bring God’s Kingdom here to earth – on earth as it is in heaven.

February 2023: 50. I am now 50. With my 50 years of experience, I have finally learned how to say NO. As of February 2nd, 2023, Lori Forster is retired from trading time for mammon. If you have a selfless cause that needs help with a digital voice, my ears are open. Else, NO. I cannot get your website updated with new content that you did not create and NO I will not help you to to show in the top search results while you spend your days fixed to your mobile computer phone looking at social channels while sitting on your ….. NO.

NO. I will not be “voluntold” to serve in a corrupt organization half-heartedly serving the youth in the community. It is steeped in mammon. TRUTH: There is no such thing as voluntold. Choice is yes or no, and it is individual. This rediculous made up word should be stricken from use.